Kamis, 10 Desember 2009

Emailmeform business has moved from .com to .net!

Dear yacht,

As you know, the emailmeform business had some problems in the recent months. The business has been going through an acquisition process that was left uncompleted, the buyers are dishonest persons that worked together to grab the .com domain while avoiding to pay Alexandru Marias, the original owner and developer that provided this wonderful service to you for the past 3 years.

The new owners attempted to grab the business, leaving the original owner out, and lying to the current customer database.
As a result the emailmeform business is moving from .com to .net , because the emailmeform.com domain is locked by the new, non-technical and non-benevolent new owners, who are trying to lie to you about why you should stay with them, while non paying the old owner and inventor of emailmeform.

While the new owners do not have a well understanding of how the site internally works, and do not know how to improve the service nor how to protect it from new vulnerabilities out there, Alexandru Marias knows well the inside and outside of the business and ensures that your forms will remain secure and well protected, while adding new features and functionalities.

Your accounts and forms have been imported to emailmeform.net , however latest forms created have not been copied as the dishonest owners who grabbed emailmeform.com are disallowing access to the site.

Please login to http://www.emailmeform.net with the current username and password, and get the updated code to add to your website. Please also cancel the old subscription on emailmeform.com , and signup for the new subscription on emailmeform.net . This will ensure that you stay with the original inventor and developer and with the original emailmeform business, benefiting of new features and ongoing security protection.

Following this email, you might get an other newsletter from the dishonest owners of emailmeform.com who are trying to keep you on the old .com domain, lying about Alexandru Marias. The choise will be yours to make, but I would suggest to keep your emailmeform forms secure by using the .net domain provided by the old personal developer that you know and trust, instead of trusting them to the greedy non-technical croocks who grabbed the .com domain of the business

Looking forward to hear from you!

Alexandru Marias
Email: alex@amicgames.com
Phone: +40 722 486348

You are receiving this email because you have an active account on Emailmeform
To stop receiving any future emails from us, you can visit www.emailmeform.net , login and unheck the box in your Account Settings.

Jumat, 04 Desember 2009

EmailMeForm Update - New and Improved

Dear yacht,

We are happy to announce a new management team at EmailMeForm.com!

EmailMeForm has long been a valued service that allows anybody to create functional web forms on any website. Unfortunately, the previous management had not invested in continual improvement to the EmailMeForm service throughout 2009. The lack of a solid working relationship between the past owner and the former head developer lead to a cold war that eventually forced the sale of the site to our dedicated hands.

Since the change of ownership 3 weeks ago, the new team has already pulled long hours to take EmailMeForm to the next level. Some improvements we have added include:

* New higher capacity servers
* Triple layers of service monitoring to always be ready for you
* Triple the backups for peace of mind
* Improved security and server hardening to secure your data
* Countless small improvements and bug fixes until our next major upgrade!

Most of these improvements may not be readily apparent to you as we have been working on behind-the-scenes renovations. After this work is done, next year will be spent bringing you new and substantial features never before seen on EMF!

Any period of transition may appear unstable, but we assure you that the EMF service has never been this solid before. We want to warn you of reports of unsolicited emails from somebody who claims to represent EmailMeForm. These fishy emails may ask you to reveal your password or migrate your forms to another service. These emails are NOT from us!

We encourage you to forward these emails to abuse@emailmeform.com so we can get to the bottom of this.

We would also be ecstatic to hear your input on how we can make EmailMeForm work better for you.

Happy Holidays and looking forward to 2010,

EmailMeForm™ Team

Senin, 24 Agustus 2009

yacht, Notice of Improvements to Emailmeform's Server...

Hello yacht,

Note: You are receiving this email because you have account with www.Emailmeform.com ( owning 1 forms , username: mozartchink@gmail.com ). To cancel or unsubscribe please see bottom of this email.

We know your time is precious, so we will keep this short.

1. On August 25th, we will install several new major improvements on the Emailmeform server. This includes a brand new website interface, as well as several updated emailmeform engine files.
We are expecting Zero downtime, nor any kind of interruptions, however if anything goes wrong and you are experiencing any kind of problems, please let us know by using the contact information : email: alexmarias@gmail.com ,Phone: +40769218687 , and we will fix it asap!
More about the changes, on Senior programmer blog at:

2. One of the new features, is the Pay Per Form Full Code Download option.
If you want to download the full Form Code ( HTML and PHP ) that works without relying on Emailmeform, now you can do so for only US $3.95, payble with Credit Card or PayPal, one time fee per form ( useful as future full form backup or independent upload on your server ) .
To benefit of this feature, login to your account on emailmeform.com and go to Get HTML Codes link in the right navigation bar.

The above feature doesn't apply to Plus Plan members, who can download the Full Code of any form at no extra charge.
More about Plus Plan: http://www.emailmeform.com/v-plans.html

To unsubscribe, please go to www.emailmeform.com , login and uncheck the box in your Account Settings.To remove your account with us please click here: http://www.emailmeform.com/?v=deleteaccount&userid=143459&p=9e516a7e9b81ed7625e8643c5a72e2d4

Jumat, 05 Juni 2009

Understanding Foreign Exchange and Online Trading Forex By Amelie Gam

For many people Forex trading or foreign exchange trading has become a real interesting area. They can either choose to practice this business as a part-time job or as a full-time job, either the traditional way or choosing online trading Forex. They can do it to earn some money or to earn a fortune. The possibilities as well as the benefits satisfy anyone.

If you are interested in online trading Forex, you need to get acquainted with its terms and history. The concept of Forex trading has come to represent a way of financial freedom for many persons. Forex trading deals with buying and selling different currencies of the world. Unlike the stock market, the Forex trading market is a much easier field to understand. The basic idea is that you invest a sum of money and in a short time, with small effort, manage to multiply it. Usually the transactions are made in pairs of currencies, like USD/EURO or USD/GBP.

As a new-comer in this area you should look at Forex trading as a risky business and realize that even though the effort you need to handle is not big, you still need to examine closely and learn some tricks in order better understand the principles that make Forex trading so profitable. It is wise to invest little amounts of money just in case you haven’t made the right moves. This way you avoid losing all your capital and give yourself the chance to try again. Learning from mistakes is more expensive, but it is too a good way to learn online trading Forex currencies also.

The best way to start Forex trading is to search a good broker who is able to give you the right guidance in what concerns this sort of transactions. If you don’t want to spend more than what you invest, you can also simply gather yourself the information about Forex trading. The risk involved in Forex trading can also be considerably reduced if you decide to use a trading system or a money management strategy. However, your profit might be bigger if you consider counseling as an investment.

In our days it is much easier to understand the Forex trading market because the web is at our service. Transactions can be made through the Internet right in front of your personal computer in a couple of minutes. Many different sites discuss online trading Forex currencies and give tips about how the exchange should be done. There are forums where one can ask questions and thousands of articles written on this topic. The web gives a helping hand and online trading Forex offers the opportunity to make a profitable choice when investing your money. You just have to want it.

One of the most important things about online Forex trading is that you can make as many transactions as you wish without giving any commissions. The online trading Forex market is the largest one in the world because of the everyday activity of people who want to invest. Online trading Forex is equal to buying and selling a currency from a certain country, using the currency of a different country.

It is very easy to practice online trading Forex and this is the reason why it is such a popular way to obtain an income with the help of the Internet. You can practice online trading Forex in your office, at home, in the park and even from another city or country. Even if most people that use the web to work with have to know a lot about marketing, selling or advertising, you don’t need to because you can succeed in a much easier manner. The main principle of Forex trading is to start buying when the price of the currency is low and sell when you notice an increase.

An advantage of online trading Forex currencies is that you don’t even have to be connected all day long. You don’t have to be in front of the computer all the time. All you have to do on the online trading Forex market is to make a good investment and check your account from time to time. A positive aspect regarding an online transaction of this type is that as soon as the value of the currency rises and reaches your desired selling price, the currency will be automatically sold for you.

Online trading Forex is a faster and easier way to make money with little effort. Your small investment can turn into a huge success in no time. Online trading Forex currencies allows anyone to have a permanent every day job and make an additional profit by using his PC and the internet.
Please visit this site to find out more on Forex Trading . You have the opportunity to learn about the currency market and start Online Trading Forex currencies yourself.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Amelie_Gam

Rabu, 27 Mei 2009

Password fields are no longer allowed on forms

Dear yacht,

You receive this email because you have an active account and web forms on Emailmeform.com . This also should be received only by members on the free Plan, if you are a Plus Plan member please let us know ( don't forget to mention your username ).

We are glad to announce that because of good support from our users, our service has been continuously improved. We have a long list of implemented features that just wait to be uploaded.

Because of the actions of some dishonest users, it has become against our user policy to use a 'password' field on the forms. If you have any forms where you ask for passwords, please consider editing them and remove the password field, to avoid having your account suspended.

This week ( and this week only ) we offer several incentives for you to upgrade to the Plus Plan membership..

First, and foremost, upgrading to the Plus Plan gives you the ability to:

- create more than 5 forms
- customize the error page to look as your website ( same style and layout )
- customize captcha style
- send a copy of submission to your visitors

Also, upgrading the next days ( by the end of 31th May ) you will get:

Two set of beautiful icons
1000 awensome website templates
More information:

If you would prefer to make a donation instead, you can send any amount by paypal to: sergiu@pcsafesoftware.com

Thank you again, and looking forward to hear from you!

Alexandru Marias
Phone: +40 769 218687

To unsubscribe, please go to www.emailmeform.com , login and uncheck the box in your Account Settings.

To remove your account with us please click here: http://www.emailmeform.com/?v=deleteaccount&userid=143459&p=9e516a7e9b81ed7625e8643c5a72e2d4

Selasa, 12 Mei 2009

Our services experienced technical difficulties experiences between 4th and 5th May

Hello yacht,

Our service experienced technical difficulties between 4th and 5th May.
The issue is fixed and our service is running at full capacity.

The problem was caused by a few dishonest users who attempted to use their forms in an illegal way, by sending out emails telling people that their email mailboxes were getting full, and asking them to submit their email passwords into the forms they created for free at our service.

As a result our website has been temporary suspended and made inaccessible by the Internet Service Provider. We have found and removed the illegal forms and our service is back up and running.

We apologise for the inconvenience, and we will make sure this will not happen again in the future. We didn\'t had a downtime in over 18 months, and we plan not to have other downtimes in the near or medium future.

Please remember that on the Plus Plan your forms will always work ( Plus Plan members are able to download the complete code, HTML and PHP ) and any downtime of our service should not affect your forms.

Several other advantages, as well as the way to upgrade can be found here:


Also, if you have suggestions or feature requests, please let us know!

Thank you, and please let us know if you encounter any problems!

Best regards,
Alexandru Marias
Phone: +40769218687

You are receiving this email because you have an active account on Emailmeform and have choosed to receive our emails.

To unsubscribe, please go to www.emailmeform.com , login and unheck the box in your Account Settings.

To remove your account with us please click here: http://www.emailmeform.com/?v=deleteaccount&userid=143459&p=9e516a7e9b81ed7625e8643c5a72e2d4

Minggu, 10 Mei 2009

Our services experienced technical difficulties experiences between 4th and 5th May

Hello yacht,

Our service experienced technical difficulties between 4th and 5th May.
The issue is fixed and our service is running at full capacity.

The problem was caused by a few dishonest users who attempted to use their forms in an illegal way, by sending out emails telling people that their email mailboxes were getting full, and asking them to submit their email passwords into the forms they created for free at our service.

As a response, our website has been temporary suspended and made inaccessible by the Internet Service Provider by blocking the Name Servers.

We have found and removed the illegal forms, and now our service is back up and running.

We apologise for the inconvenience, and we will make sure this will not happen again in the future, by carefully reviewing all new forms, as well as old forms that are modified, to ensure that no forms will be created for illegal purposes.

We will have to hire new personnel for this purpose, as we have several hundred of new webmasters signing up each day, with even more new forms created each day.

This is why we need your financial support, we appreciate the help all current Plus Plan Members, and we also appreciate the help of all free members who consider upgrading to the Plus Plan.

We didn\'t had a downtime in over 18 months, we also hope that these problems won\'t appear again in the future, and that we will be able to provide you with a reliable and easy to use service.

Under normal circumstances ( on the Free Plan ), your web form relies on emailmeform server to work, as when someone fills up your web form, emailmeform processes the data and sends you an email.

On the Plus Plan, you can download the entire PHP and HTML code of your form and upload it to your website.
When your form gets submitted, your own website does the form processing and sends you the email.
This way your web form will rely only on your website alone, any problems on our service will not affect your web form.

Downloading the entire PHP and HTML code of your form is accessible only to Plus Plan members.

Being a Plus Plan Member also have other advantages, such as the ability to customize the Captcha code, by using the easy tool at


As a Plus Plan member you can download the Full Version of Captcha Creator ( at no extra cost ) to install it on your website, making your forms completely independent

Also, if you have suggestions or feature requests, please let us know!

Thank you, and please let us know if you encounter any problems!

Best regards,
Alexandru Marias
Phone: +40769218687

You are receiving this email because you have an active account on Emailmeform and have choosed to receive our emails.

To unsubscribe, please go to www.emailmeform.com , login and unheck the box in your Account Settings.

To remove your account with us please click here: http://www.emailmeform.com/?v=deleteaccount&userid=143459&p=9e516a7e9b81ed7625e8643c5a72e2d4

Kamis, 16 April 2009

Forex Trading: The Reason Why Amateurs Traders Fail to Make Profits by: Jonathan Harr

The forex markets are reputed to give instant profits to traders. However, many amateur traders fail to cash in on this potential and usually quit the market after getting frustrated. One of the major reasons why amateur traders fail in forex markets is the complexity of the method that they choose for trading.

Whatever research amateur traders do while choosing a trading method is almost always based on a gut feeling rather than on important aspects that actually make your profits run. It is important to note that methods for trading in forex markets must necessarily include risk management, discipline and psychology.

The gut feeling that induces amateur traders to buy training products is usually due to hyperbole used in promotion materials of training courses. They use phrases like ‘jaw dropping secrets of forex markets revealed’ or ‘unlock the mysteries of Forex trading.’ More often than not, the reality dawns upon them soon after they have purchased the course and they find that they had already heard about the method before.

Some amateurs will look for a complicated formula under the impression that anything that gives you instant profits cannot be simple. To their disappointment they find that the formula is actually so simple that they could have thought of it on their own.

The basic why amateurs fail to succeed in forex markets is thus not devoting time or ignoring to learn the full process of trading.

If you are an amateur looking for a method for trading forex then do not make that mistake. Most trading methods available are not complicated but a simple set of rules woven together in an easy manner that are applied in an uncommon way. Complex systems are for banks and obsessive computer enthusiasts. Remember the basic fact of learning: if you cannot understand it, you cannot possibly apply it.

Never ever skip through the learning process. Make sure that you learn the rules of the game: when to set up a trade, the price at which to enter and when to exit. Any program that does not teach you when to exit is not worth it. Neither is the one that does not show you how to protect and manage risk in the trade.

You need to learn how to apply your method in a timely manner, hourly, daily or weekly. You can become a better trader only if you are able to learn how the various aspects of forex trading work in tandem with each other.

Getting an edge in the markets is not complex methods but simple and powerful methods that use only a few indicators.

Learn about Forex currency trading in 3 quick steps by: John H. Anderson

When considering to join the paper trade, you are about to embark on a journey of some tough learning, especially when you do not have any prior experience on the Forex market and have only been dealing with some minimal stocks and bonds trading. This seems to be the popular transition for a lot of part time and retail investors of late; who have absconded with their money away from the receding economy and the affected stock market and have placed their eggs in the Forex trading arena. Now this is all well and good, but you have not considered the depth of the market and the amount of information that you need to have and have learnt by the time you even decide to contact a broker and deposit your money in their margin accounts.

You need to learn as much as you can about the Forex market before you decide to trade in it and the learning process can be quite tedious, so you need some help. One of the best ways you can do this is to talk with current investors and get their feedback on the market and the strategies (if they will tell you) that they employ to gain access and make some money form the market. Probe them on what you need to know, not to trade in the market, but to prepare yourself for the time when you can finally make that decision with confidence. You also have to be able to understand the concepts behind the market and the vast amount of data available to you. And this brings us to the second point of the entire article, which is you need to download some eBooks on Forex or find resources where you can learn all about the markets.

Some of these online eBooks will cost you some money, but I managed to find a few sites that gave me these Forex summary and essential information about the market for nothing more than my email address (no doubt to up sell) and my date of birth. This eBooks, while a little thin, give some important information and will start you on your journey. Visit some financial libraries and get books written by experts on the subject. This way, you will be armed with some information.

The last and BEST way for you to learn about the Forex market, all its intricacies and all of its complications FIRST HAND is to sign up with a dummy account; a service that literally every bank, financial institution and brokerage is offering at this very moment. This dummy and simulated accounts will give you the experience of trading in the market without any of the risks, Here you can learn from your mistakes, get used to the market, formulate your strategies and take guidance from the broker who will be there assisting you all the way. It is a small price to pay, especially when you consider that it might save you a lot of money in the long run.

Best Forex Trading Education by: Ricky Lim

There are many forex trading courses and educational material that a person can find online. However how does someone go about finding the best Forex trading education information? Certainly there are huge amounts of information that will educate you about Forex trading, but not all of it will help you to achieve your goals of making a profit rather than losing.

Below are some guidelines which should help you to find the best forex trading education course

Point 1 - Avoid Day Trading Systems

Many people when starting out in Forex trading will be enticed into thinking that the best way of making money is through day trading. Certainly if you were to ask a person who is selling a Forex trading course for details relating to their real time track record with regard to profits relating to day trading they will not be able to provide one to you.

So if you are looking to produce an income from your trading then do not waste your time on day trading.

Point 2 - Real Time Profit Records

When buying any sort of forex education course, you need to be provided with these records. If a person selling their system does not have confidence in the abilities of their system and are not investing their own monies then why should you. Unfortunately some of these courses being offered online today are from people who have either never traded in their lives or have failed when they have used the system themselves.

Point 3 - Understand It

Once you find a forex trading system which either has a track record or is willing to show their real profits then there are some other things which you will need to take into consideration.

It is important that you learn everything you can about the system in question so that you understand it completely. Unfortunately if you have no understanding of how the system works then you will not have the confidence to trust in it and follow the system through to a likely conclusion if you start to suffer losses.

By keeping these points in mind, you will find the best Forex trading education that is suited to your kind of personality. There are literally hundreds of places on the web that can offer you an education as well as free advice on Forex trading so do some investigating and you will soon find one that is ideal for you.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Forex Automated Trading Software by: Alex Stephen Lee

Nowadays people are getting into Forex. When they do, then they would like a system that can help them make life easier. You have probably joined Forex to earn fast money. But how would you like if there is an automated system for Forex that doesn't just earn you huge profits, but it also help you save time and make your life easier by doing Forex trading automatically without needing your all-time supervision? It's double the benefit! In addition to that, a Forex automated trading software comes in a very easy way to understand and steps to follow; even a beginner in Forex can now make trading and earn fast income. Now that makes it triple the benefit! With the assistance of the Forex Automated Trading Software, you can choose a currency, its selling price prior to any buying. You will also need seed money and your trading orders will be executed.

The best thing about the system is that it earns money for you without requiring you to watch over them as they run. As the name implies, an Automated Trading Software of Forex simply means a software system that does foreign currency trading automatically without having the trader to supervise his trading all the time. The software is already programmed in a format of automated trading bots. Everything that is required by a trader is just an internet connection and a computer to get the system run! And an account to start trading of course.

The Forex Automatic Trading Software allows the traders to setup the strategy of their trading systems and the software will automatically generate trades according to the setup. The Forex trading system is able to run on a number of factors at once such as the multiple technical indicators and the market conditions. You can generate signals according to the custom trading systems that you set up. You can also set the system to create orders automatically and later perform trades when a signal of buy or sell is generated. The automated Forex trading software is also programmed to allow you to visually back test your trading systems. You can see them on a historical chart data where you can verify if your trading strategies are running effectively.

Although you may use the automated Forex trading software, there are no guaranteed successes by just depending on the software itself to make you earn high profits of money. Since the trading market depends and directed by some factors such as the economy, the political state of a country or the future strategies of big companies, a trader is still required to have some knowledge and an amount of study before setting up their trading commands. As stated earlier, the system can be programmed by you to follow your individual needs. It means that the automated Forex trading system is not exactly mechanical that you don't need to know anything at all.

When you have already programmed your settings prior to trading, you need to be confident with them. Altering the settings that you made usually can cause disaster. Thus although the Forex automated trading software does every trading for you, a trader usually gets stuck with their pre-programmed pairs they want to trade on. Alterations on settings are not recommended.

If you like the use of an automated trading software system, the thing is you will miss all the knowledge other non-automated traders know when they don't use an automated system in Forex trading. The automated Forex trading system also does not tell you how it is running. But you can still understand it if you go look up the results.

Forex Day Trading Systems and Strategies by: Andrew Daigle

You've already made the decision to begin your career in forex day trading, but how do you go about choosing which forex day trading system to use? The good news is that choosing a strategy is the most difficult decision you have to make; the bad news is that only you can make this decision. Because you will always open and close your trades within the same 24-hour period, you must choose a forex day trading system that relies on short-term indicators. As a day trader, you should only look for forex day trading systems that accommodate your needs.

You're probably wondering why it's so important to choose a strategy for forex trading. It's very important because the temptation to chase price is so great with enormous leverage and unlimited profit potential. Without a proper forex day trading strategy, all you have to rely on is how you feel, which isn't a reliable indicator. Without one or two forex day trading systems, you won't have the resources you need to succeed. When you're just waiting and speculating on when to enter and exit the market, you're just guessing and you would be better off trying your luck at the Roulette table.

Rule #1: Keep it Simple. When you choose a forex day trading strategy, make sure you understand every aspect of the strategy. Many currency trading systems rely on reading and interpreting data before making a decision to enter or exit the forex market. If you can't read these charts or decipher them, choose a simpler strategy. Forex day trading can be profitable even at small amounts, if you have a clear understanding of your forex day trading system and you implement it correctly.

Rule #2: If You Need Help, Get it! Don't think for one second that because you need help, you won't be successful at forex day trading. Even the largest financial institutions get a help making their money, and there's no reason you can't. Unless you plan to watch the market 24 hours a day, consider using automated trading software. In addition to watching the forex market when you can't, automated software allows you to see the information the software uses to make market decisions. It's almost like having a forex mentor of your very own. Automated software will allow you to see if you've chosen an effective forex day trading strategy.

Rule #3: Stick With It. This rule seems like a no-brainer, but you'd be surprised how many day traders experience a bit of success and cast their forex day trading systems aside. The whole point of choosing an effective day trading system is to make money, and ignoring your trading strategy is guaranteeing loss. A bad day forex trading doesn't mean you've chosen a losing forex day trading strategy; it just means that you had a bad trading day. Give your strategy time to work, and understand you will have winning days and losing days. By sticking with a forex day trading system, you can make sure you have more good days than bad.

Forex Trading Traps by: Steve Pasfield

I wish I was reading this a couple of years ago!!

It would have saved me a lot of money!

Well it might not be a lot of money to the guys who sold me their Forex trading systems, but it was to me. I spent thousands of my hard earned and saved dollars on Forex systems that promised big results, yet did not deliver for me.

Don’t get me wrong, some of the Forex systems work; I actually talked to people who did get results from the programs.

Unfortunately I was one of them!

Yes you read it correctly I made money in my first week of trading!

In Forex you basically trade long term or short term, I was doing the short term trading (a day or less).

Yes I made good money thousands of dollars, boy was I excited I was wondering how long had this been going on. Forget the 9 to 5 job that just gets you by, that pays the bills but you don’t have anything left over to live on. I was going to make a killing, retire, work a few hours a day and live the good life!

Everything was great for a couple of weeks then I lost on a few trades, no big deal I will get it back on the next one. Because I had made good money for a couple of weeks I "knew I would get it back".

Then I began to learn what really goes on in the Forex world.

Swimming in shark infested water would be safer than playing with these guys.

Sometimes little bites, then big bites that almost break you in two, yes sir these guys know how to get at you.

This is what happened to me.

The market would be heading steadily in one direction then all of a sudden reverse and take my position out; you guessed it I would lose money. The weird thing about it was that when I did not set my stop loss it hardly happened to me. (The problem with putting a trade on without a stop loss is that you have to watch the trade all the time in case the market makes a big move against you, very dangerous.)

What was going on?

Ok there is a lesson here, the Forex broker was playing games with me he would manipulate the price to stop out my position and take my money! I found that one out too late, but you need to take note there are a lot of crooks out there in the Forex World. These guys know every trick in the book and they have been doing this for years. I started a demo account with another broker and compared the price movements and that’s how I found out that my broker was playing games.

Once I knew their tactics I could change brokers and see if the next one did the same or not put a stop loss on and spend all day in front of the computer. Well I still had to work and pay the bills so that was not going to work for me and frankly I did not have a lot of money left in the account to work with.

I learnt something else during this period; you need to take all the emotion out of your trading. I found that difficult as I had made money to start with and as I am not a robot, making money to start with turned out to be part of my downfall, it clouded my judgement.

What I needed and it is what you need!!!

An honest broker that is happy earning their money from the spread they get for each trade, their commission if you like.

A system that get better than 50% winners and takes the emotion out of the trading!

I was determined to get this Forex thing working for me; I could see the potential I just could not get it working for me.

So I tried several auto trading systems, some that only cost a $100 dollars and others that cost me over a thousand.

The real cheap ones could get a 50% or better winning trade result but only in certain market conditions. If the market was not working the way they assumed I would lose (I was only using demo accounts for these, I have learnt a little bit since I started trading Forex) and all the gains made would disappear.

The systems that cost a lot more where complicated you had heaps of setting that you had to adjust depending on things like, time of day, market trends- steady market volatile market, the currency pair that you were trading etc etc.

You getting the picture? You need to be an analytical person or plainly put a rocket scientist to get it right. I not either of them so that did not work.

Frankly it was all too hard and too costly and I needed a break.

I never gave up on the Forex market I just needed to regroup and start a fresh.

A few months later I was looking at a website that promised results in the Forex market. My first reaction was oh yea I have heard that before, yet I had a look.

These days I know what I am looking for:

• An automated system, to take the emotion out of it.

• A money back guarantee, if they don’t have one then they do not believe it works, so why should I.

• An honest broker that works with the system, it not much good having a system only to find out your broker can't or won't support it.

• A broker that has reasonable spreads, the commission the broker gets on each deal. If the spread is to much it is hard for a lot of systems to make money.

When you drop a few thousand on Forex courses and systems and then a few more on Forex trading, it prompts a lot of soul searching.

These days I know what I am looking for:

• An automated system, to take the emotion out of it.

• A money back guarantee, if they don’t have one then they do not believe it works, so why should I.

• An honest broker that works with the system, it not much good having a system only to find out your broker can't or won't support it.

• A broker that has reasonable spreads, the commission the broker gets on each deal. If the spread is to much it is hard for a lot of systems to make money.

A broker that does'nt deal against you, you win he loses- you lose he wins. Guess what happens in these situations.

A broker that does'nt deal against you, you win he loses- you lose he wins. Guess what happens in these situations.

These days I know what I am looking for:

• An automated system, to take the emotion out of it.

• A money back guarantee, if they don’t have one then they do not believe it works, so why should I.

• An honest broker that works with the system, it not much good having a system only to find out your broker can't or won't support it.

• A broker that has reasonable spreads, the commission the broker gets on each deal. If the spread is to much it is hard for a lot of systems to make money.

• A broker that does not deal against you ie you win he loses, you lose he wins. Guess what happens in this situation.

When you drop a few thousand on Forex courses and systems and then a few more on Forex trading, it prompts a lot of soul searching.

How To Avoid Get Rich Scams by: Vivienne Moore

Having an online business that fits in with your lifestyle is becoming more popular as it allows you to work at home.

How do you learn about business opportunities, work from home options. A starting point and knowing what to look for can be difficult when evaluating the business marketing,work at home,online business opportunities, affiliate marketing.

How much time does it take researching and evaluating the pros and cons of the different and sometimes complex possibilities and determining whether some business opportunities, work from home are a scam or have real potential to set you up in a home business that earns real money in the long run.

There are thousands and thousands of business opportunities, work from home, affiliate marketing. online business opportunities,internet marketing marketing their sites with the marketing jargon with terms like optimization automated marketing turnkey business etc etc.

Evaluating the many business opportunities, internet marketing and work at home can be stressful it all can be so foreign to you with all the new terminology used on the internet. What do they really mean and where is the proof.

Some of these sites make you feel an idiot with the complex terminology and 10,000 word essays of their business opportunity. By the time you get to the end of the page you're totally bemused and disinterested. Another way of referral is using the email to tempt you with the wonderful business opportunity which leads to information overload.

So how do you wade through all these business opportunities on the internet and choose the best program. Start with a good evaluation criteria before embarking on finding the optimal online business opportunity or work at home. It is also important to have systematic approach to the evaluation process.

Book marking sites that you find interesting into different folders before your start an in depth evaluation, but be careful not to bookmark to many websites as this may be counter productive to the evaluation process. Here is some simple but effective evaluation criteria that you can use to determine the program best suited to your needs

1. Website presentation needs to be simple and professional in appearance that includes relevant and up to date information. I wouldn't be personally recommending the very intrusive websites with a lot of gadgets and gizmos. When these sites start flashing all their bling it makes me think that the product is poor and needs a lot of bling to distract you and often slows the page loading.

2. High quality product or service that is unique with a good overall value. An informational product should be concise with relevant up to date information and easy to understand. A good understanding of what the product or online business is about and the benefit of the product or work at home opportunity is important. The benefits of the product or online business need to be clearly stated before involving yourself or purchasing a product.

3. The effectiveness and relevance of the product or online business opportunity is paramount to being successful with any online business opportunity or work at home. Outdated and tedious complex formulas, techniques or information equates to good money wasted with no returns. The online business or product should have a simple systematic approach for implementing the work at home opportunity.

4. Customer service or lack of it can make or break an online business. If the customer service is excellent the customers are more likely to return and recommend your product or services to others. Never underestimate the power of word of mouth has on any business. A quick relevant response to your enquiry or concerns entails good customer service. Most online businesses use a ticketing service where you submit your concerns. An acknowledgment of your ticket submission is sent automatically with a response withing 48 hrs. This system should be available 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

5. Is the product or online business opportunity user friendly? Simple explanations and easy to use strategies should be part a good product or work at home business. The customers or potential business owners should find it easy to implement the strategies given to produce an income online with their product or work at home opportunity. Instructions that are more like essays only complicate the learning process and navigating through complex tools will only frustrate the users and lead to customer dissatisfaction.

It is important to remember that you can find a legitimate work at home ,online business but you do have to thoroughly research the product, service or online business before you commit yourself and your money to it. Sticking to your research guidelines will help to avoid the scams and find the most suitable work at home, online business for you.

Copyright (c) 2009 Vivienne Moore

Google Adsense: How to Explain the Google Adsense Program to Others

We’re not talking about strangers here. For the strangers that visit your site, your content will have to do all the talking for you. But for the people in your daily life, the ones you want to click on your referral button, the ones you want to read and comment on your blog; these are the ones you want to be able to enlighten about the Google Adsense program.

First, excitement breeds excitement. Get excited about your new venture and others will too. Learn everything you can about the Google Adsense program, not only will this increase your earnings, but you’ll be better equipped to explain the mechanics of the program to others.

Show them the money. There’s nothing like a little proof to make a believer out of someone. You don’t have to wait until you’re making thousands per month, although that’s a healthy goal. But even a small deposit in your piggy bank is enough to intrigue most people. Can’t you just count those referrals now?

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